Logicom Hosts 1st CSR Stakeholder Engagement Event

Logicom hosted its CSR Stakeholder Engagement event on 15th October at The Landmark Hotel in Nicosia.

The breakfast event, which was organized with CSR Company International, in collaboration with Cyprus-based Aspon Consulting Limited, focused on Sustainability and welcomed company stakeholders for a series of presentations and a workshop. Among the attendees were Logicom, customers, vendor representatives, logistics partners, bankers, statutory auditors, external consultants, shareholders, members of CSR Cyprus, representatives of the Employers and Industrialists Federation (OEB) and the Cyprus Chamber of Commerce and Industry, and Logicom employees and members of the Board of Directors.

Logicom Deputy Managing Director and Group CFO, Anthoulis Papachristoforou, introduced the event and welcomed the stakeholders in attendance. The main speaker of the event was the President of the CSR Company International and Task Group Chair of ISO 26000, Mr. Martin Neureiter, who gave attendees an overview of how sustainability applies to business, its importance to the viability of an organization, and how it can best be integrated in an organization’s operations and values. Logicom Group Senior Reporting Officer, Marina Michaelidou, presented the company’s CSR Strategy. She highlighted Logicom’s achievements to date, its future targets and goals, and how stakeholders can help the organization and vice versa.

The event culminated in a workshop, wherein stakeholders were invited to participate in a materiality assessment, which aimed to evaluate the company’s material focus areas based on which issues they considered to be relevant and significant to Logicom, by ranking the ISO core subjects in order of importance.

In his welcome speech to attendees, Anthoulis Papachristoforou explained that this event “offers the opportunity to enter into a dialogue with our stakeholders, and enables them to accurately assess the impact of our operation on their respective interests, with the aim of providing an informed basis for the organization’s decisions. This, in turn, will further enhance our commitment to continue building and operating a sustainable business.”

“Our stakeholders’ views, collected through questionnaires and workshops, determine our priorities and are therefore essential for developing a sound CSR strategy,” says Marina Michaelidou. “This event, which we hope will be the first of many, will help us keep an active relationship with our stakeholders, informing them of our decisions, seeking their consultation, and sharing ideas, for community-led decision making.”