
Logicom is recognised worldwide by industry-leading vendors and publications for excellence in operations, customer service and customer support.

Our continuous drive to meet and exceed goals, whilst maintaining high performance levels, is at the root of these honours and the reason why we are renowned globally.

Best Servers Distributor
Best Servers Distributor
Organizer: Dell
Country: UAE & GULF
ISG Distributor of FY23/24
ISG Distributor of FY23/24
Organizer: Lenovo
Country: Greece
Top VAD Cloud Marketplace Award
Top VAD Cloud Marketplace Award
Organizer: GEC Media Group
Cisco Cloud Marketplace Partner of the Year in Europe, the Middle East and Africa (EMEA)
Cisco Cloud Marketplace Partner of the Year in Europe, the Middle East and Africa (EMEA)
Organizer: Cisco
Country: Middle East and Africa
Distributor of the Year – HPE Aruba Networking
Distributor of the Year – HPE Aruba Networking
Organizer: HPE
Country: UAE & GULF
Volume Distributor of the Year – HPE
Volume Distributor of the Year – HPE
Organizer: HPE
Country: UAE & GULF